Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Rhythm of Storytelling

By Philip M.
Bill Wegner, in his book Dare to be Holy, tells his story of his conversion.  This is not a conversion from one faith to another or one political party to another; it is his conversion from one destructive unfulfilled personality to a faithful, godly, and righteous personality.  This biographical book tells a great story of a regular man daring to be holy.

            Bill Wegner starts his story by talking about his early life.  He was normal person like everyone else who gave into temptation quite often and didn't have any regard to what matters most.  He talks about his conversion, which is long but still very fulfilling, to a man who is holy, who loves other people as he loves himself.  Of course, this is a Catholic book, written not really just for Catholics but because of Catholic motives.  However, I feel that anyone can read, be inspired, and find some fulfillment in their lives after reading this book.
            Not only is Bill Wegner inspiring, his writing offers prospective writers some great ideas as to how to write their own work.  First off, the book is written not so humdrum like a lot of books I find tend to be.  He throws in humor and small little wise tales and stuff of the like.  Imagine yourself sitting at a campfire with a bunch of friends and family and that 1 person who is so well-spoken and so good at telling stories gets up and starts talking, cracking jokes, sharing stories and experiences, and all of that good stuff.  It is a great pleasure to listen to.  Well, that is how Bill Wegner wrote Dare to be Holy.  It reads extremely well and I feel like writing like he did in his book would enhance my writing greatly. 
            I would recommend this book to anyone who is either looking for inspiration, fulfillment, a message, etc.  and people who want some good insight as to how to enhance their writing, or both.
Dare to be Holy, by Bill Wegner.  118 Pages.

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