Monday, May 5, 2014

Geometry has never been so much fun

By Julia L.

Though I am familiar with Brandon Sanderson's adult books, such as Mistborn and The Way of Kings, I have read fewer of his YA books. It was an overall pleasant experience to read the first book in his newest YA Fantasy series, The Rithmatist. This book is about Joel, a boy who attends a top-class school on the island of New Brittania. He is obsessed with Rithmatics, a magic-system based off of chalk drawings and geometry. One in a thousand people are chosen by the Master to be a Rithmatist and fight creatures called wild chalklings in the island of Nebrask.

The Rithmatist definitely has Sanderson's signature magic systems. However, it is also full of strong characterization, clever phrasing, and excellent pacing. I found myself staying up late into the night, eager to see what happens next. The plot twists, minor and major, were both unexpected, but not totally surprising. Subtle foreshadowing is laced throughout the pages, so a reader can guess what will happen if he or she is aware of details.

I am sure that Sanderson must have three clones of himself, as he writes more than what seems humanly possible. Fans of humour and adventure-filled fantasy will be delighted to know that he has several published works, such as the Alcatraz series, Elantris, and Warbreaker. I recommend all of his works to anyone who enjoys fantasy.

The Rithmatist, by Brandon Sanderson, TOR Fantasy, 2013, 374 pages

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