Friday, May 29, 2015

Pretty Little Liars

By Someone Who Did Not Include Her/His Name

           Parents need to know that the teens on this series based on the Harper Teen Novels of the same name engage in lots of naughty behavior like theft, defying parent's rules, breaking and entering a general cattiness. The Story centers on an intense, ongoing incident of bullying by an unidentified person who threatens to reveal damaging secrets about her victim's private loves. Now I don't know about you but this to me sounds like a ghost or maybe like a stalker and things like those are very interesting to read about but for me it just made me feel concern or maybe afraid of what would happen if that were or was happening to me. Now this book series contains not only bullying but also teen sexuality including a main character's homosexuality and a teen's sexual relationship with her high school teacher. Makes for intense physical encounters that stop just before the act itself. "I'll give those props to the books for that."

             Expect some sporadic violence, including murder (but no blood) and scenes of dead bodies, "Now that was really creepy to picture in my mind while I was reading the book." For one they actually explained how the body itself looked like for the character that was right next to it.
              They also have a fair amount of language. ("Bitch", "damn", "ass" and etc.) For the teens; and some misguided choices that lead the characters into dangerous situations, all of which is made possible by an extreme lack of parental influence. That said, mature teens and adults will find this book series to be an enticing blend of drama, mystery, and suspense.
                Now, "Pretty Little Liars" itself is a book filled with a whole lot of mystery. You are always worried of what is going to happen next they don't say anything that is going to leave you with so much shocker, but the author Shure knew how to leave you with a suspense. If you start reading this book you're going to want to read them all. I read only half of it because I couldn't afford all of the books, but I was left with the suspense of who A really is. I even watched the TV show to find out, but they never said and something tells me that the books are going to leave you this the mystery as well. 

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