Monday, April 30, 2018

No title

by Antonio A

       The novel of Going Vintage is by Lindsey Leavitt. The story is about a girl named Mallory gets cheated on by her boyfriend Jeremy with his anime girl dating simulator. She tries to de-Jeremy her life by also de-modernizing her life by following a list of activities her grandmother did when she was a teenager back in 1962. Such activities include running for pep-squad secretary, host a fancy dinner party, create a homemade dress for homecoming, find a steady and do something edgy and dangerous. Despite this things start to get complicated and Mallory starts to wonder if going vintage is to far.

       I liked the book because it helped give you a feel for the what teenagers in a simpler time did for activities in high school and it was a funny teenage drama read.

       If you like teenage drama and the ideas of a simpler time, I would highly suggest you read it.

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