Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Who was the Sleuth who Created Nancy Drew?

By Lauren B.

        In the book, Girl Sleuth Nancy Drew and the Women who Created Her, the author describes the popular Nancy Drew novels that reflect how Nancy Drew mirrors girls' lives, as well as the ups and downs of the women's movement. 

            The book describes the social history of the times as well as the popular series.  This is a fun book that will appeal to any teen who remembers the series. In 1930, Nancy arrived in her shiny blue roadster and has remained a part of the children's book scene ever since. While Nancy may have been the brainchild of Edward Stratemeyer, creator of the successful Stratemeyer Syndicate, it was the devotion of Harriet his daughter and syndicate writer Mildred Wirt Benson who brought Nancy to life. The series succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams.   Rehak does a good job of explaining the Stratemeyer Syndicate and the rocky relationship between these two strong women, each of whom felt a sense of ownership of the girl detective. Readers of Nancy's many adventures will be fascinated with the behind-the-scene stories of just who Carolyn Keene really was.
The book is very interesting and I would recommend it to anyone who has ever been a Nancy Drew fan. Readers can find this book online, in their local bookstore, or in their school library.  

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