Thursday, December 17, 2015

You Can't Handle The Truth

By Austin B.

Journalism and news broadcasting has changed forever with the ideas and bold honest opinions of well known journalist/news broadcaster Bill O'Reilly of Fox News.

           O'Reilly gets his political points across to guests who are invited onto Fox News, either republicans (the majority of guests) or democrats. Not only do guests feel his wrath but it's the honest truth in which he speaks. These are the questions other hosts do not come close to asking. Seeking the truth is a journalist's main priority and O'Reilly may seem like a lunatic into the public's eye but really he is just doing his job and getting the answers. O'Reilly also gives his opinions about the political, social and economic life in which America is facing today. A true genius on camera and will continue to share his deep opinions until the time has come for O'Reilly to hand the reigns over to the next person up.
O'Reilly's autobiography describes the in's and out's of Bill O'Reilly and what happens in the newsroom on live television. I recommend this to any person who is fascinated with news anchors/aspiring to be a journalist or people who tend to rely on Fox News to deliver the news to them on a daily basis. Bill O'Reilly will be forever known as the anchor who redefined modern day journalism and seeking the truth. You can find this book on Amazon, Bill O'Reilly's website and many more places if you are interested in purchasing this book.

Austin Brucks

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