Friday, December 18, 2015

Kites & Keys

By Sana S.

Benjamin Franklin took one week out of his vacation in 1771 to begin a story to his son. A recollection of all his memories. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is that was written in three different time periods: 1771, 1783, and 1788. The autobiography itself was left unfinished before Benjamin had the chance to finish it.

Benjamin Franklin was an intelligent man, although bad at math during his younger years. In his recollection, he wrote about his printing work, writing the Poor Richard's Almanac, and becoming postmaster of Pennsylvania. Some of his accomplishments that were highlighted include the franklin stove, bifocals, and work on the fire brigade, police force, University of Pennsylvania, street sweeping service, and many other smaller public works. Soon after retiring from print work, Franklin began his scientific experiments on lightning. He later received honorary degrees from Harvard and Yale, and became Postmaster General of America.
Franklin's letter soon came to an unplanned end as he had started part 4 of his book about his role in the French and Indian War. The writing of the book was built around the book being a letter or story to his son, William. The book is written in Old English and may be hard to understand at parts yet it is very interesting at the beginning. The parts towards the end did not excite as much, although they set the base for what was to happen after how far the autobiography goes.
This was my second time reading about the life of Benjamin Franklin. This time it was in his point of view, which made for a whole new way to see and understand what he did during his life. Benjamin Franklin, the writer, the inventor, and the scientist, tell the story of a wonderful life that inspired many like him to come.
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin, 1971, 81 pages

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