Wednesday, March 5, 2014


By Mathew A. 

Christopher Paolini is a talented writer who can keep you reading. In his his book Eragon, he displays his talent for writing a detailed and captivating story. Paolini has also received the reward of even having his book made into a movie.
Eragon is a normal farm boy who lives with his uncle on the outskirts of a small town. Eragon is young and curious about many things, sometimes getting Into trouble. To provide for his family , he hunts , but his last hunting trip in the Spine mountains turn a strange turn. During his hunting trip,  Eragon comes across a large, smooth stone. After failing to get a kill, he brings the stone with him to see if he can fetch a good price and buy some meat for his family.  But this is no ordinary stone , and it will change Eragon's and his families lives forever.

Paolini does great job at telling a interesting story while keeping it interesting enough to keep you turning pages. Paolini also has two more books as sequels continuing the story.

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