By Chris G
The journalism profession is one that comes with the requirement to have incredible people skills, and the ability to gather information all while managing the danger that comes with visiting places, all while doing so in a timely fashion. To be a journalist you have to have connections, or find a way to do so, because without facts or reliable sources, a journalist can't gain publicity.
There are several different types of journalism, which differ by the method in which they are relaying information. Journalism can be done written into a story, by photos, by broadcasting, any way in which information can get to the populus. The responsibility that comes with being a journalist is the main factor that can make or break one. First off, sourcing information is a key. Any well-educated person will question where information comes from, so a journalist must always have the source for their information. The tougher part of journalism is forming a good story using said information that is collected. Having information and the location from which it came from is a good thing, and it is also a journalist's job to present this information in the clearest way possible, over exaggerating, (also known as "yellow" journalism), while it may appeal to the people, is not giving them what they want to know.
Being a journalist means you don't have a fear of raising hell. It means you will challenge authority and seek the truth in today's world of corruption. A journalist's main goal is to seek the information that is not-so patiently waiting around, and to exploit this information to others, to spread the truth. This includes taking risks, many professional journalists will risk their life in order to get a story that will open the eyes of your everyday individual. The journalism profession is a dangerous one that comes with seriously good results if done correctly. Finding the truth in anything today is extremely hard to do, however that is the common goal that a journalist strives for, finding the truth.
To check out the story of a striving journalist and his life experience in the profession, check out I Have Words To Spend by Robert Cormier.
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