Friday, December 18, 2015

Can You Keep a Secret?

By Coryn F.

Six-words can truly say a lot about someone. I Can't Keep my Own Secrets was written by over 600 famous and obscure teenagers from the ages of 16-19 years old. The concept is extremely cool since the whole book is six-word memoirs. Edited by Smith Magazine, these editors have made 9 other books besides this one using the 6-word memoir style. The different books are about special moments, life changing stories, love, and heartbreak, all told in 6 words.

This particular memoir I specifically connected to since it is the only one written by teenagers. The teenagers wrote down secrets and sent them to the hoping their six-words would make it into the book.The amazing thing about these stories is that every one of them is different and has an astounding meaning. Since there is only under 10 words to describe everything in the story, it leaves room for imaginations before you move onto the next memoir. For example, " Can't find home. Won't stop looking" by Kelsey G. This statement gives so much room for imagination that you could literally write a whole other book on this one 6-word statement. It almost makes reading a different kind of enjoyable. "never met him, but love him" by Grace K. How has she never met him? How can she love him? Think of your own story while you read through each memoir.
Some of the teenagers stories are so touching, heartwarming, and heartbreaking, even if they are only 6 words.You can buy this I Can't Keep My Own Secrets off of Amazon, well-known bookstores, Smith Magazine's website, and most likely your local library. Happy Reading!

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