Monday, April 14, 2014

This book review is not a book review

By Rosie K.

Anna Fitzgerald, thirteen years old, always curious about why babies were born, either 

to keep the family name sake or to mold a bad marriage together. Scientists used Anna’s 

mother’s eggs and father’s sperm to create a specific combination of their genes. They had 

Anna in this way so she would be able to save her sister. Anna hires a lawyer so she can get 

medical emancipation so she is not forced to donate her kidney. Anna is very guilty for turning 

her back on her family but she feels like she has to do this for herself.

Kate Fitzgerald, sixteen years old, and older sister of Anna’s. At a young age she was 

diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia. Kate basically lived with leukemia all of her life 

and handles it very well. She gets a lot of love and support from her family that loves and cares 

for her a lot. Her other siblings can also get annoyed that there not all treated equally by their 

 Jesse Fitzgerald, Oldest fitzgerald child, brother of Kate and Anna. He is very rebellious, 

and his parents often do not know what he’s up to or where he is. He plays with matches and 

intentionally burns down old warehouses or abandon houses and buildings with a friend. He 

abuses drugs and a lot of the time gets away with it. Got attention till four years old then his 

sister got leukemia. Jesse usually only comes home to eat and sleep and he lives in a guest 

Sara Fitzgerald ,she is a mother of three teens and a wife. Sara desperately cared for her 

daughter Kate since she was diagnosed. Although she clearly loves her other children, she give 

almost all her attention to Kate, not giving much attention to Jesse nor Anna. Giving so much 

attention to Kate it will get to the point that Sara is being callous. She does not mean to be that 

way, she just feels like she automatically has to give Kate more attention.

Brian Fitzgerald is the father of Anna, Kate and Jesse. He is a firefighter who spends 

a remainder of his time at the firehouse waiting to be called away on another job. Although 

barely home he is a very attentive loving father to all his children. Brian can view the situation 

from his kid’s perspectives. He is more understanding at times then Sara. Yet Brian can also 

escapes into his work to avoid dealing with his sick daughter and the hard times surrounding his 

Campbell Alexander is an intelligent attorney Anna hires to get the right of her own 

medical emancipation. Caring little about anyone else, he takes on Anna’s case, as he knows 

it will give him a lot of publicity. He knows it will take very little effort to win Anna’s case. 

Campbell has a service dog, Judge,that you don’t know what for till the end of the book. Julia 

Romano is Campbell Alexander’s high school girlfriend. They both had strong feelings for each 

other, and those feelings are rekindled when they see each other again after a number of years. 

Julia is also the guardian ad litem for Anna. She thinks Anna needs to have some time to think 

and get away from her family and her house.

Anna is in desperate need for money and a lawyer. She goes to the pawn shop to sell a locket 

of hers and has a hard time parting from it. Her locket means so much to her, since her father 

gave it to her after she gave bone marrow to her sister Kate. Anna sells the locket for twenty 

dollars. She knows it is worth much more and when she goes to turn around and leave the 

pawn shop and take the locket with her, she drops the locket on the counter and puts the 

Anna goes to Campbell Alexander’s office and she is desperate for him to defend her for the 

right of her own body. She explains to Campbell that the reason her parents had her in the first 

place was so that she could donate bone marrow to her older sister Kate. After all the times she 

had to give her sister blood or bone marrow she has never had to give up one of her organs. 

Campbell realizes that Anna is serious about the law suit and he is going to demand medical 

Anna’s parents Sarah and Brain are shocked when they receive the legal papers informing them 

that Anna is suing. They soon realize that they are going to need a lawyer. Sara decides she 

is going to defend herself. Sara does not really believe that the case will be taken serious nor 

go far, she believes that she can talk Anna out of the lawsuit. Also Sarah thinks that Anna just 

wants and needs attention so she begins to feel bad.

In court Campbell makes it clear that he wants Anna out of her house since her mother will 

be opposing council. The tension between both Anna and her mother result in Anna moving 

out of the house to live with her father in the fire station where he works to get space from 

Kate, Sarah and Jesse. These decisions are done on advice of Julia Romano, the court appointed 

guardian ad litem. Julia’s job is to decide what interests are the best for Anna. Julia again dated 

Throughout “My Sister’s Keeper” we see that Anna is guilty for what she is doing and questions 

it. Anna would never want to hurt her family. At court we find out why Campbell Alexander 

Anna’s lawyer needs a service dog. When Campbell was eighteen he got into a car accident 

and now suffers permanent seizures from it. Campbell also reveals that he broke up with Julia 

because he did not want to burden her with his seizers. When Julia begins to forgive Campbell 

for leaving her, they begin to start a relationship again. 

Brian figures out that Jesse is the one starting all the recent fires Brain that he and his men have 

to put out. When Brian confronts his son, Jesse begins to tell his father that he felt guilt for not 

being the perfect donor match for Kate. Since Jesse felt like he could not rescue his sister he felt 

like he had to destroy instead. Jesse from there begins to clean up his act.

Zanne is Sarah’s older sister. Zanne is a high-powered women with no children that focuses 

on her career. Sara who could have been a successful attorney like her sister but gave it up to 

become a full-time mom. Zanne is there for the family and give both Sara and Brian comfort 

and support. She watches Jesse and Anna when Sara has to go to the hospital with Kate and 

when Brian goes to work. Sara and Zanne have a unique bond with each other. 

The year is 2010, Kate discusses the family grief. Also, after Anna’s death, Brian believed he 

could see Anna in the night sky when he looked out of his telescope on top of the fire station. 

Sara thought Anna would come back to her as if nothing ever happened. Her mother cried 

and her father kept away. Kate explains she began to hate herself. She blamed Anna’s death 

on herself. Kate stayed sick for a while after the kidney transplant, but suddenly got better. 

The Dr. told Anna medical explanations. Kate believed that it was because someone had to die 

and Anna took her place. Kate believed if she started to live her life it would ease some of the 

pain. Kate always wondered if Anna was watching every move her family would make. Like 

for instance they stayed close to Julia and Campbell and even went to their wedding. Or if she 

ever saw Jesse’s graduation from the police academy or the drug bust he helped or witnessed 

Brian’s drinking problem and how he eventually got better. Kate was also curious if Anna knew 

that she teaches dance now to little girls. One year after Anna’s death Sara returned home 

with a roll of development film. The film is from Kate’s high school graduation. One of the last 

pictures on the roll of the film showed Anna. Kate and Sara started at the picture puzzled and 

until they memorized every detail. Kate is worried that one day it will be hard to remember 

Anna. She knows that she can always lift up her shirt and feel the scar from Anna’s kidney. She 

says she takes Anna with her, wherever she goes.

Campbell’s dog is going crazy spinning like a helicopter making tight circles around the court 

room. The judge tells Campbell to control his dog and he completely ignores him. In the court 

room Anna spills that someone convinced her to have the law suit for medical emancipation. 

Her parents eyes hammered on to Anna, Julia let out a small gasp and Campbell Alexander put 

his hand over his face with disappointment. The entire court room goes quiet when Campbell 

asks Anna “who convinced you?” Sitting in her seat she folds her hands onto her lap and she 

hears a large bang. When she looks up she notices that Campbell is on the floor and his dog 

Judge is just standing there besides Campbell with a look on his face I told you so.

Campbell vomits on the court room rug and starts to coughs his way to consciousness in the 

judge’s chamber. Brain helps Campbell change and get situated. When Julia walks in Brian goes 

to see if the boys of his fire station filled out a report yet. Julia sticks her hand out for judge to 

sniff it and she sits down besides Campbell. He tells her it happen since he was eighteen after 

dinner at a country club with his parents on his way to go back to her house. Campbell also tells 

him that he will have seizures for the rest of his life and that why he has Judge. Anna meets 

Campbell in the men’s room so they can talk. Campbell tells Anna that part of why he took her 

case was because he knows what it is like to not have control over your own body. Back in the 

court room they proceed with the questions about who made her do this and why. Anna simply 

says, Kate wanted me to kill her. Reframing what happened, one day she explains the Kate tried 

to kill herself with pills. Then Anna realized she tried before.

In the court room Anna gets the right for her own medical emancipation. On the way to the 

hospital Anna rides with Campbell Alexander. She has had been medically emancipated for 

a whole half hour now. It’s a raining hard out that day like that day on New Year’s Eve when 

Anna was born. At a bad intersection Anna and Campbell Alexander got into a t-bone crash with 

a ford-150. The little BMW had no chance against the truck and it plowed through the car’s 

passenger side, as if the BMW was made from paper. Anna got a fatal head injury. A respirator 

keeps her breathing, she’s brain dead. The doctors ask Sara and Brian if they want to do an 

organ donation. Now that Campbell can make medical decisions he looks at Sara and Brian and 

says theirs a girl up there that needs that kidney.

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