Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Who Watches The Watchmen? (Nice)

By James D.

Watchmen by Alan Moore is a sci-fi crime mystery graphic novel. It follows the murder of Edward Blake, a crime fighter and a war hero. He was formerly known as the "Comedian" when he was apart of the masked heros group called the Watchmen. One of the last remaining members is Rorschach. He wants to find the Comedian's killer by cleaning up the streets from their past enemies. Now, none of the Watchmen have powers except for one. Doctor Manhattan also known as Jon Osterman, has god like powers. This story is full of accusations, confrontations, and fighting.

I feel that the characters in this book were the best part of the story. They kept the story going with their problems and their triumphs. At times I felt bad for Rorschach because of his troubling backstory and other times I thought he was just a big heartless jerk. He has no remorse for anyone or for any of his actions. Doctor Manhattan is completely misunderstood and everyone is against him. To me Doctor Manhattan was an outsider.
The part of this book I didn't like were the end chapter interludes. They were put in to add more backstory to the main plot and to the characters but to me, they seemed unnecessary and dragged along. Also the story felt slow at times. I would read a whole page and be completely bored and confused. However, there were more stronger parts than weak. If someone asked me to recommend a book I would give this one to them. It has crime action and suspense.
If you like in depth characters and gritty action than this is a good book for you. It's not exactly a superhero book per say. I would recommend this to people that are a little more mature mostly because of the sex and violence. I hope to read more books by Alan Moore because I enjoy his way of storytelling. Watchmen gives the reader a different approach to life in an alternate world.

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