Monday, June 13, 2016

This review lacks a clever title

By Alex H

Ian Douglas' book Star Carrier: Earth Strike was done real well, except for one major thing. There was a lot of excess detail. The first time my dad picked this up for me from the library, I could barely get through the first few chapters before I put the book down. I read a lot. It's one of my top things to do. But even though I was out of new things to read, I returned this book. The second time my dad got it, which was months later, I read through it again fully. I still saw the excessive amount of detail, but I was able to get past it and finish it, as well as read the sequels. For example, early on in the book is a space battle between the Confederacy and the Tursch. At one point, one of the pilots fires AMSOs (Anti Missile Shield Ordnance) at the Tursch. Douglas goes on to talk about AMSOs for several pages, discussing what they are while they're hardly used in the beginning. Towards the end of the book, AMSOs are used again, and Ian goes over them again. He spends even more time talking about what the AMSOs are, almost as if the book was written by two people who weren't working together.

For those who read the cover of the book and a summary of it, they may think this book, and the rest of the series is just a bunch of military sci-fi. However, this book is actually a good blend of war and politics. A civil war is approaching as the United States of North America (USNA) and the Confederacy, but humanity is also on the brink of destruction as a galactic empire slowly descends upon them.

Overall, I happen to like this book and read some of the next books in the series, and I've started reading one of his new series. I'd suggest this book to anyone that likes sci-fi books and can deal with the excessively amount of detail that's put into everything, for better or for worse, and for people that can read a book with swears and not think swearing is fine.

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