Book Review #3- House of Dolls
By Sonia G.
This novella is written by Ka-tzenik. Joy Divisions were special camps within bigger camps that Nazi officers would send young, Jewish women and live there solely to sexually pleasure Nazi soldiers. This book is no longer in print due to the unpopularity of the graphic content.It is unknown if the story is fiction that's based on a diary kept by a young Jewish girl who was captured in Poland when she was fourteen years old and forced into sexual slavery in a Nazi labor camp or if it's nonfiction about Ka-tznik's sister. The book is specifically about a brothel in Auschwitz. The post-punk band, Joy Division got their name from these brothels and this book.
This was a very difficult book to locate because of the fact that it's no longer in print and a hard copy is approximately $140 but I found an online version. Probably one of the most disturbing Holocaust books I've read. Shut off your senses before turning the pages and don't read at bedtime. The beginning of the story is extremely slow because it talks about camp life and the main character's everyday life in a concentration camp. It really picks up and gets dark in the middle when the main character, Daniella gets sent to the brothel and becomes a sex slave. I would not recommend this book to others because it is haunting and I believe a lot of people would not be able to handle the graphic nature of the story.
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