Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Orleans is a champ

By: Tony A.
I am reviewing a book called Orleans by Sherri L. Smith. This is a post apocalyptic Orleans after super hurricanes destroying everything before the rebuild can a real start. Than fifty years later when the government has given up on the resident of Orleans it quarantines that whole area. There is also a virus called the delta virus killing of most resident of Orleans.

There is also an scientists introduced that tried to make cure but created a super virus. The two protagonist  meet in the book and face a common the same threat, to survive. Since they can't survive without each other they are stuck together
What I like about the book is the time setting and how its the near future. I also like how its supposed to a post apocalyptic world but its contained inside the U.S. because of the quarantine. I like how it stresses the fact you move forward and the main protagonist constantly has that battle within her self to go her own or leave the scientist. I feel like isn't enough of a back story it kind of throws into a time period then introduces a new character without defining the time period until the two of them meet in the story.
I believe if you like sci-fi or action books than this is a great choice every chapter has a different plot twist and it keeps getting better and better. It doesn't start  of slow either it throws you right into the action. Its definitely a page turner and it can be found on E bay, Amazon, and a local library.

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