By Nick L.
A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin is difficult yet satifiying book about a fight for power in a medieval setting. Martin creates a universe thats taken him a decade to write and hasn't even finished. This universe has spawned a hit HBO show : Game of Thrones. The show is based off the novels. A Game of Thrones is the book behind the first season of the HBO show. You could go ahead and watch the show, but i mean why not give the book a shot too?
The book starts off in Winterhold, the kingdom in the north. The Starks have rule in the north region. The King of the iron throne in the South Robert Baratheon, asks Eddard Stark to come be his hand in the south. Eddard is told that the last hand of the king was murdered. He takes the job anyways because he is unable to refuse his King and best friend whom he fought along side with. Once in the south Eddard realises the corruption that lies in the cities hire ups. The queen Cercesi is having an affair with her own brother the leader of the kings guard. Theyre children are belived by all to be from King Robert. Meanwhile across the sea, Daenerys a 13 year old girl becomes queen of the Dhathraki horde. The Dhathraki are savages from the east. Daenerys is wed to Khaldrogo, their leader. This is done by her brother desperate to reclaim the throne his ancestors had stolen from them. The book is centered around the iron throne in kings landing. It's the seat of kings, those who sit in it rule all the land. Everybody wants in to the game of thrones.
Martin creates an amazing universe in this book. He does this through the use of many characters that you would consider main characters. Through this he creates multiple engaging story lines that branch off based on the main theme. The book also makes you love these character only to flip the page and read their deaths. I enjoy this style of writing it kept me entertained and not assuming anybody was safe. One down side to the book is the language. It can be tough on the brain to read the names of some of the places and characters. If it isnt your first rodeo with medieval fantasy you should do alright. Reading the book was night and day to the show. I love watching the show, but reading the first book enhanced the show that much more. The details are alot different when dealing with age and the way some of the deaths go down. The book spares no details and when i say that i mean it. I'd recommed it to anybody watching the show and anybody that likes a challenging read.
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