Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The 5th Wave

I'm sure most of us have seen the movie the 5th Wave, or atleast of heard of it. It is a movie based on a book that drastically differs from the events. Whitch do I like better? It's hard to say with the two different intracut styles. The movie focuses on Cassie only, and the book has more to it than that.

In this book the writing switches between a girl named Cassie and a guy named Ben. It switches between there points of views. I dislike this, due to personal opinion, though if you love reading the first person this is the book for you. The book accurately capture the personalities in the writing of the first persons and is very believable that they are actually the ones telling the story. My favorite writing was Cassie's. To me she was the most relatable character in the book. Ben on the other hand wasn't as relatable. His connections with the people around him are very brief. I wish the story dived more upon this. Along with this I feel like they only brushed upon the activities that they did daily in the camp.

The plot of the story is the best part of the story. The idea in general, aliens taking over, isn't the most creative but the way they did take over is. Most people would imagine that aliens would go into complete war being a superior species. In this the species isn't superior, but their technology is. Along with the fact that also the aliens in this book are lazy in a way. Instead of fighting till all humans die they force the hope out of humans. They let the humans destroy themselves. I think this is the best part of the book.

Even though this part is pretty great the characters motives are very unoriginal and at times very boring. I wish the author gave more thought to the characters in the book almost. Along with this focus more on the little boy.  

In general, I think I would be neutral as if to recommend this book to a friend. It has some great parts yes, but it also has some parts that I am honestly not a fan of. I didn't hate the book but at the same time I didn't love it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

World War Z

By Josh M.

For quite some time zombies have been considered a tired concept, I’ve never agreed with this sentiment, nor has Max Brooks the author of World War Z and many other zombie stories. So, What sets this apart from the admittedly overflooded market of zombie stories? Well, it isn’t the zombies themselves, they’ve stuck to the formula for the most part, shambling corpses that can only be taken out by destroying the brain. Alright, so the zombies are what they’ve always been, does that mean it follows every other zombie story cliche? No, quite the opposite in fact.

The Amazing Screw-One Head

by Josh M.

When first picking it up I wasn’t sure whether to take the book seriously or do the complete opposite, the dark and brooding artstyle alongside the often ridiculous storylines made it a hard choice to make. Through some questioning about the book I was made aware the author, Mike Mignola prefers to write in a very weird style that should never be taken that seriously, one of the most famous examples of this being his critically acclaimed series Hellboy.

The Last Policeman

By Josh M.

I didn’t find exactly what I was originally looking for in this book, but I found a great story nonetheless. I was handed this book when I mentioned I enjoyed world building over character driven stories. I had assumed this story would be similar to the story that originally peaked this interest (World War Z) in that their wouldn’t be a main character but many characters experiencing different parts of the world. Instead the story centers around one character, Detective Henry Palace in a world with one foot in the grave.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Our Faulting Stars

By Kaylee V

Not only is John Green one of the creators of the infamous Crash Course but he's also the author of The Fault In Our Stars. In this story we follow the life of Hazel Grace, a teenage girl whom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Thyroid cancer. Growing up she had her number of scares with her life, after assurinance her life had at least a few weeks longer she decides to use her Make A Wish on disney world which later arouses conflicts when Hazel wants to go to Amsterdam to meet her favorite author, if it wasn't for Augustus Waters she would have never went.